Photography Workshop

The last week in December of 2010, I spent a few hours mapping out around 25 goals that will help me make 2011 The Best Year of my Life.  This is something I have never done before and wanted to see if it really works. I got the idea after listening to some online training (Provided for free by The Joy of Marketing with their Joystart your year event) from one of the world’s best goal setting experts, Brian Tracy.  My list included tons of both personal and professional goals that will help me in my life and the path I am currently on. (I will talk about my 2011 goals through out this year on this blog as I get closer and closer to acquiring these objectives. )
In today’s post, I will talk about attending a workshop held by one of my Facebook friends, Celina Gomez.  She is an amazing professional wedding photographer and she set aside an entire day to have 15 people to her home studio to offer a helping hand with information on starting up a photography business, marketing, branding, shooting manually, proper focus techniques and much much more. It was a day packed full of information and I just about filled up a notebook with all the notes I was taking.  My favorite part of the day was when Celina revealed that she had set up two couples for the attendees to use as models for a one hour shoot.  She split us up into two groups and divided the hour by the number of people in the group, allowing each of us our own time to  pose and work individually with the models. Before practicing our new-found skills, we got to see Celina in action.  I loved being able to see Celina pose the models and how skilled she was at making them feel comfortable in a pretty uncomfortable situation (17 cameras in your face at one time can be pretty overwhelming!!)
My group got to shoot Kira Pierce and Erick Figueroa.  They are a super cute, fun and energetic couple who I really enjoyed spending an hour photographing! You will see in the portraits that follow how they have an unmistakable chemistry.
Heaven Let your light shine down

I caught some of the Sun's rays here.


Guess who?


Happy Love Birds

A cute moment captured

Eric and Kira

Kira's eyes are amazing in this image!

A Day Spent with Eric and Kira

What a great day with Kira and Eric


I caught a sweet moment of solitude here.

The one legged kiss
Kira in the spotlight
I am still trying to find my particular niche in the photography world. I wasn’t quite sure how to do this until Celina explained that you need to find something that you love to do and can’t stop thinking about.  I’ve been attempting photography on different types of subjects and so far shooting couples top the list.
If you like what you see here, you can visit my Facebook page or website by hovering over the ladybug at the top of the page.  If you want to receive alerts when I post new content, you can subscribe to this blog too! Thanks for stopping by!  I hope you enjoyed the images and I’ll see you soon!